About Us
Kennedy Barnes
BARNESAFRICA PARTNERS, LLC is an American development company founded by Attorney Kennedy Barnes. Barnes’s passion for South Africa started more than 20 years ago as a young senior partner in the international law firm Thompson Knight, LLP (now known as Holland & Knight). For nearly 18 months, he lived in Cape Town where he advised and trained the in-house legal staff and senior
executives of the South African National Oil and Gas Company (PetroSA). From that experience and over the many years that followed, Barnes developed a deep understanding of the South African business environment and developed longstanding relationships within the business and political communities there. opportunities with American based individuals and companies, particularly those whose opportunities in the United States are limited by market maturity and other factors.
Over the past several years, Barnes has focused on the South African entertainment sector, working with internationally renowned artists and producers on film and music projects in the U.S. and beyond. In addition to content production and marketing, BARNESAFRICA PARTNERS current leads the development of an international entertainment franchise that will soon break ground on the first of multiple venues throughout South Africa.